Professional Development

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“Every teacher needs to improve, not because they are not good enough, but because they can be even better.”

Dylan Wiliam

The DfE says that all teachers must:

  • keep their knowledge and skills as teachers up-to-date and be self-critical;
  • take responsibility for improving teaching through appropriate professional development, responding to advice and feedback from colleagues;
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how pupils learn and how this has an impact on teaching;
  • have a secure knowledge of the relevant subject(s) and curriculum areas;
  • reflect systematically on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to teaching;
  • know and understand how to assess the relevant subject and curriculum areas.

Lesson Study

Lesson Study is a professional development programme that involves teachers working in small groups to plan lessons that address a shared learning goal for pupils. They then deliver these lessons while their peers observe, and refine the lesson plans based on feedback and review.

Representing the profession

The Chartered College is a body aiming to improve the quality of education for children and young people by supporting teachers, championing great teaching and raising the status of the profession. They will:
  • Be the connection to the wider profession
  • Be the voice of the profession
  • Be the conduit to a more evidence-informed profession
  • Provide access to professional knowledge and intellectual challenge
  • Focus on teaching and learning
  • Offer accreditation and pathways

Looking for help finding the right CPD?

Try the Good CPD Guide provided by the Teacher Development Trust. We have a subscription to the Trust - contact SGH for access to the main web site.

A new way to evaluate learning

Iris Connect provides a platform for recording and evaluatung the impact of teaching methods. We have video recording facilities and a secure and confidential web based platform for reviewing and sharing. Contact SGH and check the web site to find out more.

10 Teaching Essentials

In writing this, I’ve been thinking about two sets of teachers.Firstly, I’ve been thinking about various very strong teachers I’ve known, including those who taught me, to consider what ‘essentials’ they might have in common. (Something I’ve done many times before e.g. in this early post: What makes a great teacher?). Secondly, I’ve been thinking about how to support early career teachers to improve and to use their time wisely to support their professional learning.The purpose of this list, as with any other, is to promote self-reflection: 10 essentials to work on – alongside avoiding the 10 pitfalls!